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Sustainability, environmental and social responsibility are key focus to APUDG both in local and global challenges. Sustainable development and innovative planning solutions are what will enhance the qualify of life for local urban communities.


Creation of balance and sustainable growth is crucial to urban planning, designing blueprints and solutions which are adaptable over time.

New Urban

Agenda (NUA)

Creation of a holistic sustainable development with New Urban Agenda in place! We believe that being aware is the first step towards making greater changes, and the first step is always as important as the last.


The new urban agenda have set the directions and goals of our future to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Spearheaded by the United Nations, it has been adopted by 193 countries and has a 15 years time frame to make them happen.


Development Goals

For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part. The UN Habitat has recognised the importance of the urban settlements and cities in the implementations and realisations of the goals since 66% of the world population is forecasted to live in cities and urban areas by 2050.


Today's young generation will be the generation to commit, implement, realise and be responsible for the realisation of today's global agenda. It is the time for the young to take part and be involved, the future is in our hands and we have the capability to create a better and just future for all.

Smart City

APUDG promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizen, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions.


We believe that the environment can benefit from smart city solutions where technologies have high potential to improve and make better decisions to quality of life.

Low Carbon

Ensure strategic and master planning processes and outcomes comply with various low carbon standards from international to local assessments.


A low carbon society, economy and environment will necessarily need innovation to solve the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases. This is where low carbon policies and frameworks play a role as regulatory mechanisms.

LCCF Considerations for Designing

Low Carbon and Carbon Neutral City


Sustainability Practice

APUDG Sustainability Systems Practice is a sustainable site planning framework that embeds a measuring tool to calculate such factors used to assess sustainability at both levels of strategic planning and physical planning.


Urban planners and designers can utilize and constantly refer to this decision- making tool in order to ensure the credibility of the project.

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